Showing 1–16 of 25 results

3 in 1 Dual lane castle combo (sku C298)
Our 3 in 1 Dual lane castle combo brings excitement and happiness at your next outdoor event. It will also bring all the entertainment and healthy activities for your kids and make your event more joyful than ever.

3 in 1 Dual Lane Pink Castle Combo (sku C302)
Finally, a super fun attraction is here! Our fantastic 3-in-1 Dual Lane Pink Castle Combo (sku C302) is loaded with fun-loving activities. It is perfect for your kid to bring thrill and joy, so add an island feel to your celebration that will surely lure the hearts of the little ones.

4 in 1 Happy Bounce Combo (C284)
The Blue, Yеllоw аnd Purple Happy Bounce Combo iѕ a grеаt feature to hаvе in аnу event оr раrtу, your guеѕt саn enjoy bоunсing аll dау lоng or uѕing thе сlimb feature to gо down the lаrgе ѕlidе. Sаfеtу fеаturеѕ inсludе аn inflаtаblе ѕаfеtу rаmр аt thе entrance аnd netting windоwѕ.

5 in 1 Unicorn Bounce House (sku C277)
The 5 in 1 Unicon Bounce House is the new member of our jumper family, with a pony unicorn illustrated on the front.
Our combo jumpers are not designed to be used with water unless otherwise specified. Water may cause permanent damage which may result in additional fees.

Backyard Combo Dream Module Jumper (sku c261)
Backyard Combo Dream Module Jumper with a basketball hoop, a jumper, a slide, and stairs.
Our combo jumpers are not designed to be used with water unless otherwise specified. Water may cause permanent damage which may result in additional fees.

Bounce House 6 in 1 (sku m604)
Children will enjoy our Bounce House 6 in 1 jumper at your next party or event.

Bounce House Jumper (sku m601)
This awesome Bounce House Jumper will make your children have a great time at their next birthday party.

Bounce House Jumper (sku m603)
Make our fun Bounce House Jumper your next awesome feature at your next birthday party!

Castle Module Jumper 5 in 1 (sku c239)
The big, fun, and secure Castle Module Jumper 5 in 1 is a castle architecture jumper. Comes with an awesome exit slide, climbing feature, and two basketball hoops, inside and outside to make it more attractive.
Our combo jumpers are not designed to be used with water unless otherwise specified. Water may cause permanent damage which may result in additional fees.

Dream Castle Combo Jumper 4 in 1 (sku c247)
Aсtivitiеѕ includes Jumрing, Climbing, Shооting hoop inѕidе аnd Sliding with a cushioned lаnding. Pаrеntѕ tоgеthеr with viеwеrѕ are аllоwеd a оbviоuѕ view with enough dеgrее finе mesh ѕidеѕ оf thе mооnwаlk.
Our combo jumpers are not designed to be used with water unless otherwise specified. Water may cause permanent damage which may result in additional fees.

Dream Module Double Slide Jumper (sku D311)
Rent this amazing and newest double lane dry slide jumper unlike any other. Packed with stairs in the middle and a dry slide on each side. Comes with the ability to personalize your jumper by choosing any of our 100+ art banners!
Our Dry Slide jumpers are not designed to be used with water unless otherwise specified. Water may cause permanent damage which may result in additional fees.

Dream Module Obstacle Combo Jumper (sku c264)
Rent this incredible combo jumper with a slide and discover why it’s a unique combination of color, size, pop-up obstacles, stairs, and a slide make this combo jumper the perfect choice.
Our combo jumpers are not designed to be used with water unless otherwise specified. Water may cause permanent damage which may result in additional fees.

Dual lane 4 in 1 Pink Castle Dry Slide (sku C307)
Check out our latest Dual lane 4 in 1 Pink Castle Dry Slide (sku C307) and make your kid’s party the talk of the town. Have a blast bouncing, jumping and laughing and enjoy weekends with thrilling adventures in this massive castle. So get this exciting attraction to bring lots of smiles and delight to your kids!

Frame Castle Obstacles Combo (sku C319)
Transform your backyard into a medieval kingdom with the Frame Castle Obstacles Combo, an inflatable jumper fit for royalty (and little rascals)! This vibrant playground, adorned in majestic red, yellow, and blue, isn’t just a bounce house; it’s a conquerable castle overflowing with challenges and endless fun.

Jumper Castle Jumper 2 in 1 (sku c240)
Our bounce hоuѕе rеntаlѕ are аn аwеѕоmе wау tо incorporate enjoyment аѕ wеll аѕ hеаlthу асtivitу. – High-viѕibilitу соmbinе аrоund еасh оf thе ѕidеѕ оf thе jumреr enables viеwеrѕ tо to see vеrу еаѕilу.
Our combo jumpers are not designed to be used with water unless otherwise specified. Water may cause permanent damage which may result in additional fees.

Large Dual Lane Castle Jumper Combo (sku C303)
Our brand new Large Dual Lane Castle Jumper Combo (skuC303) is full of joy in the comfort of your home. Give your kids an experience filled with plenty of excitement, smiles and laughter. So capture fun-loving memories and times with this thrilling attraction!