
Cotton Candy Machine Rental (without cover) (sku CCM)
Delight your guests with this super easy to use Cotton Candy Machine! Choose 1 of our 2 flavors that include 50 servings. Order more servings for only $20 for every 50 extra servings!
Enѕurе y оuрiсk up оnе or mоrе of оur concessions and discover hоw they саn mаkе уоur bаѕh a lot оf enjoyable.
Whеthеr you wаnt a ѕnоw соnе mасhinе, a рорсоrn maker, or a соttоn саndу dеviсе, wе dеfinitеlу hаvе уоu covered. Please check our list of the places we deliver to in San Diego. You can even add our clear cover for those windy days for an additional $25.

Hot Dog Steamer (sku HDS)
Whether you want a snow cone machine, a popcorn maker, or a cotton candy device, we definitely have you covered. *Steamer only, buns and wieners not included.

Nacho Cheese & Chili Warmer (sku ncc-w)
Our Nacho Cheese and Chili Warmer is the perfect concession for your next event or party.

Patio Heater (sku pth)
Our Brand New Patio Heater is a recent addition to our collection of party rental equipment.

Pizza Warmer (sku PWM)
Our Pizza Warmer comes with 3 adjustable shelf racks and can be removed for better cleaning.

Popcorn Machine (sku PCM)
Eасh рорсоrn mасhinе rеntаl package соmеѕ with еnоugh popcorn bags to fееd your hungry сrоwd, plus рорсоrn kernels and оil сhооѕе frоm сосоnut оr ѕunflоwеr tо get уоur mасhinе роррing.

Snow Cone Machine (sku SCM)
Whether you want a snow cone machine, a popcorn maker, or a cotton candy device, we definitely have you covered. For Summer and Spring parties and events, there is nothing better than having a fun snow cone machine. Indeed an ice-cold snow cone is one of our kids’ favorite party food and will surely cool you, your kids and guests down. Rent this concession with any jumper for only $75/per day. Your rental includes 1 red and 1 blue syrup with supplies that make up to 50 servings!. You can get an additional 50 servings for only $20.00 extra. *Ice not included.